Need to cast a vision that is as practical as it is inspirational?
Book Rob and Scotty to speak to your staff or system today! To book a speaking engagement click here.
There Is No “I” In Teacher: Discovering your unique strengths and the power of working together. (2 Hours)
- 1 + 1 = 3 Your strengths + Others’ strengths = A much higher productivity.
- Who are you? What assets do you bring to the table?
- Who do you work with? What do others bring?
- How does the talent of a team add up to more than everyone’s individual effort?
- The obstacles to working as a team.
- How to build a positive and supportive culture.
Time Bomb: Balancing work and life and battling against burn out. (2 Hours)
- Time management. Working smarter not harder.
- Life management. Time well spent away from school = Time well spent in school.
- Setting boundaries and respecting them.
- Chasing perfection?
- Battling burn out.
- Defining and celebrating success.
Creativity and Classroom Management: An environment where everyone wins. (1 Hour)
- Management myths.
- Classroom management that works for them and you.
- Creativity in the classroom.
- Boredom = Bad things.
- Creating an environment everyone enjoys.
What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate: Connecting with parents and the community. (1 Hour)
- Building positive relationships with parents.
- Dealing with difficult parents.
- Connecting with your community.
- Being an ambassador that represents your school well.
The Kids These Days! Connecting with today’s children. (2 Hours)
- Understanding where kids are coming from and what makes them who they are.
- Learning how to engage students relationally.
- Finding the kid beneath the baggage.
- Adapting instruction for the greater good.
- Focusing on a student’s future.
Mission Possible: Learning how to leave a legacy. (2 Hours)
- Embracing the power of encouragement.
- Awakening passion and purpose in your classroom.
- Developing a mission that matters to you.
- Inspiration instead of information.
To contact Rob and Scotty regarding speaking engagements, click here.